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Some questions, some thoughts ...

Promiscuity (physical and mental) is disgusting. It is impossible to enjoy each moment, since that would be like saying, laugh every moment even when the pain increases. How do you make out if life has been a failure? Is it disguising itself as a successful life. Or is this yet another hurdle in life, part of the unending race that has a hurdle every few steps. So if you don't have the gusto or the wind in your lungs to run further ? What do you do ? Take rest ? And then start the run again ...
Competitive life. Disconnected to any real peace in life.
Are people insane if I call this false - all of this glory, fame, riches, amenities, gadgets and what not? Or am I insane to question things. Unending change; more than change, the process of having an open mind which is very important seems to be missing. People see only the narrow confines, restricting the vision. You are a software developer, means you only read technical tuff, code, code and code more. Think of nothing else; that is what everyone seems to like - conforming to a stereotype; even if that means losing the variety or neglecting the benefits of a complete and fully developed mind. Narrow minded, goal oriented and slogging away – that’s what the externally colourful, comfortable and glorified corporate life is like. Is work-life balance irrelevant or even inconsequential?

Work because you get paid - but isn't there a limit to this. The motto is 'to explore and not get exploited'.


  1. mind... People see only the narrow confines, restricting the vision.
    You are generalizing a lot here by saying 'People'.
    People have a tendancy to feel secure by restricting their vision, an exaggerated version of this is the bird hiding its head in the sand
    conforming to a stereotype. Even if that means losing the variety or neglecting the benefits of a complete and fully developed mind
    Poeple tend to like stereotypes, makes it simpler to understand the world.
    Just like you are expecting people to accept you as being different, you are expected to accept their decision(whether they used their mind to make the choice or whether they had the choice or whether they knew they had the choice)
    Work-life balance is irrelevant
    Have you seen the HSBC 'Point of View' ad?
    It is upto you to balance your priorities

  2. Yes, what you say is debatable ...
    No, I haven't seen the ad that you refer to.

  3. In my experience, when good things are happening and you are in "control", these questions on life do not appear. Everything appears to fit in it's right place. Everyone around appears to be a good person. But when things are not as you expect them to be, one begins to ask questions on life, and you get the feeling that everything happening around is wrong. This is just an observation. I don't know what you think.


  4. Not necessarily so. However certain actions causing a reaction is the most simplistic explanation that I can give. Sometimes what I am doing is in no way dependant on what someone says or does too, isnt it ?


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