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Just finished 'Bharot Pothik' translated into bengali from 'An Indian Pilgrim', Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's autobiography. In it he mostly describes his childhood days, school and college life and a chapter on his philosophy of life - at a stage he refutes the belief that everything is Maya and this world is untrue. He was greatly influenced by the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Shri Ramakrishna and also Shri Aurobindo and ended up participating in many social and spiritual causes. It ends with a collection of letters to his mother, which gives an insight into his extreme devotion and respect for his mother.

I was amazed that my Bengali reading skills have not deteriorated that much - though some words were difficult to comprehend (that obviously has something to do with a bad vocabulary). My kannada is miserable for which I have often had to face the wrath of my friends (one of them almost strangulated me once ... ;-)); Its a matter of interest.
In other news joined the gym @ workplace. Not very regularly going to the gym though. Its haphazard One day I may walk 11 km (450+ kcal) and on another 3-4 km (150 kcal). Some days I hardly get the time but if I dont go it leads to aches and pains.
I did so much of publicity for the movie by Shyam Benegal, 'Bose - The Forgotten Hero', but never managed to go to the theater - its running at unearthly timings - 10:15 pm and 6:30 pm for 500 rupees at PVR - the other end of Bangalore from my residence. We had planned for an outing to Forum Mall with some of my bengali friends, but I could not make it in the end, last weekend though they did go... I was getting jitters on the purpose of work and life last week and felt very despondent at times but back in form I guess now.
By the way the Google AdSense program seems interesting.


  1. still haven't got my money!

  2. They pay a month after the balance in your account has reached $100 (threshold) - dont know if its ever possible ;-)
    It is some $0.59 or so now.
    So start clicking today ... ! ;-)

  3. compulsive clicking from the same IP is monitored.
    BTW, doesn't blogger provide RSS feeds for comments?

  4. Monty,
    I went to see Bose the Forgotten Hero with a lot of enthu when it released in Pune some months back. I found it horribly long, and with very amateurish direction. I was very dissapointed, being a big fan of Shyam Benegal films.
    Later Shyam Benegal himself came to Pune for a screening of the film at the Natioal Film Archives. I attented that screening and told him exactly what I thought. He said that the feeling was natural, as the film was originally meant to be a 3 part tele series, nto a movie. There was some dispute with the TV rights and he had to patch them together at the last minute and make it a full length movie running for more than four torturous hours !


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