Played Holi after a long time. Though I had an aversion to playing it, the first breach was at office when colleagues in the same floor 'attacked', and multiple times. And that was the day before the actual festival (3rd March 2007). Next day four of us RickB, ShaonC, ManiM and me played like crazy - buckets of coloured water, wet colours, and loads of fun ;) May such festivals always bring us together and spread the love and cheer in an otherwise, often monotonous, routine life. Cannot end without philosophy, so here goes: Everything has a significance ...
From the PGSEM Student Affairs Council (SAC) Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore: Star of the Quarter Award is given to an individual who has significantly contributed to PGSEM community through extra curricular activities in an academic quarter, as part of various activities done by PGSEM-SAC and committees. SAC members will nominate significant contributors for the Award and the voting will be conducted among the current batches to decide the Star along with SAC members' points. SAC member is not eligible to be nominated for this award. You will be getting a mail on voting for Star of the Quarter - Q3 2008-2009. Please take your time to vote for and decide the Star. A voting happened (to decide amongst 11 equally strong and capable contestants) and guess what? I polled 32.65% of the votes and yes I won!! My immense gratitude towards one & all who felt I was worth it!! It takes an institute of IIMB's stature and star students to recognize a STAR! :D Also have t...
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