A fat plump person endowed with a lot of fat is treated in a dismal manner - laughs, jeers, stifled giggles and smiles. How does he cope, either he chosses to ignore the barking lot or reacts in an agressive manner or in an emotional manner. He certainly may choose to think he is hurt humiliated (subjective) as against seeing the true cause of the problem(objective) and ignore it as a wrongful action from the otherside. Every person who chooses to tease or bring down another person, is himself suffering from some discrepancy or deficiency - he tries to react in a manner so as to show that he has everything under control - whereas he is trying to gloss over his weakness at the expeense of someone else.
Provocative actions should not provoke negative reactions - then the wrong thoughts of both the provoker and the provoked would suceed. The Mind should be under perfect control for this and to achieve this end meditation I think wi...
In my mind is a strange attractor!