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Showing posts from April, 2011

The Sperm-Ovum Model of Creative Effectiveness in Advertisements.

An article I had written earlier. An analysis of creativity can be done from two different perspectives. One is from the angle of the marketer in alignment with the ad maker. In this case the inducement of trial or an increase in propensity to buy the product or buy in the message is the ultimate dream of the ad maker/marketer. However from the perspective of the user most important is the emotional connect. For high involvement products too TV ads show that the quirk in the ad has to ultimately connect. For the user if this does not happen then it will never translate to sales or a brand embrace. Creative effectiveness can be depicted as a 3 phase analogical process: The first one is the creative blitzkrieg or the clutter breaking usage of drama, the heightened use of extreme/odds and maybe even a slow narrative (the first 30 seconds in a TV ad). Customer’s attention is drawn at this stage. It is not a sequence but more like what happens in the mind of the viewer as h...

What we are made for and invisible guiding hands!

Sometimes we are kept away from certain people, places, ways and things in life as if by some invisible hands because we need to be taking/exploring exactly the other paths which we are almost forced traversing ... Call it destiny - but it can be very positively energizing and fortuitous! It helps us discover what we are made for!!

Making a fool of oneself!

It takes courage to make a fool of yourself - Charlie Chaplin And when you make a fool of yourself, the joy that you get by seeing faces all around you light up in laughter: a tonic relief from all pains of life, is just addictive. Well, yes it is all part of a selfish act! - Shamit Bagchi

Emotional-Rational Spectrum.

So if emotions are bad and utility everything, then ideally I should be a robot who executes tasks with zero distraction, I should have perfect control over all parts of my mind and should operate at near optimal efficiency - is that the intent for any human being? The key question remains - what am I trying to achieve - and why am I doing all the tasks that I am doing and with what purpose? Rationality is mere cause and effect and we get bound in myopia if we take that as the only arbiter. Am I an automaton performing tasks, duties and responsibilities earmarked for me and is that the end of it? I think not! Emotions act as triggers, lubricants and contemplation is what leads you to the next level perhaps providing that shift into the next big thing on the path of evolution - individually and as a group activity! Or is it supposed to be a balance as per the autonomous decisions of an individual - what part is rational and cognitive and what part is emotional, sensory, contemplative.

The Last Raaga

A numb feeling, Like perhaps what a mother feels; A day after the baby has left the womb? Postpartum depression ... Not that I would not come here again But this odd sense of woolly headed, blurred lights. As the taxi whizzed past the dark shapes of trees. For a moment I started humming a tune No, actually a raaga that I had discovered They say the emotion of a raaga is most important If somehow one can get the raaga purely based on emotions! That is greater than technically learning music. It is like picking out the strains from the substratum of aural fabric Generated from the mind - intuition driven, Instead of being learnt through analysis - bit by bit. I dont know if I had discovered a raaga for late evening Or one for an emotional state evoked by my alma mater! "Alma Mater - Nourishing Mother" - Intellectual. In thought and openness of ideas... Fed for close to three years. Now I felt drained and yet euphoric. Comfort in ambiguity, Of the life ahea...