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Launch of short graphic novel/book 'Durga Reawakened'

Event Sponsored by H K Kejriwal Foundation

Short Illustrated Graphic Novel - Durga Puja Special from Dhonuk!

'Durga Reawakened' 

Illustration: Mahan J Dutta, NID Ahmedabad & Concept, Adaptation: Shamit Bagchi, IIM Bangalore.

Launch event on 10th October, Sunday at 5:30 PM 
at Karnataka Chitrakala Parishat, Kumarakrupa Road, Bangalore 
(near Golf Club/Hotel Lalit Ashok/Windsor Manor)

You are invited.

The chief guest will be Dr. Harkishore Kejriwal - one of India’s foremost art collectors and patron, founder HK Kejriwal foundation and the co-founder and vice president of Chitrakala Parishat, Bangalore’s most prestigious art institute. 

The guest of honour will be Dr. Balasubramaniam Shekara Professor of Quantitative Methods and Information Systems at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. He handles an eclectic course on Creativity in Arts and Science in addition to teaching Thinking paradigms.

More Details on:


A graphical re-telling of the mythology of Goddess Durga. Contemporary in outlook and rendered in a unique graphical format, for the first time! The book depicts in rich detail Debi Durga's creation by the Gods of the Hindu pantheon and her epic battle with the demon king Mahishasura in buffalo disguise, who with a boon from Lord Brahma had wreaked havoc in the three worlds!
Her victory over the demon earned her the name Mahishasuramardini. This victory till today is celebrated all across India during the Pujas and Navaratri, culminating in Vijaya Dashami!
So is there a fresh new re-interpretation for this tradition of worshiping the fierce manifestation of energy, Shakti?
And what about her victory? Is it purely a myth? Or does it hold anything new for us to understand?


Dhonuk is an online ecosystem for art lovers, art enthusiasts and artists with an in-built online social network. It provides an online space for creativity in the arts, and a platform to connect the artist and the artsumer (art consumer
- organizational or individual)! Letting artists share, showcase, interact, learn, collaborate. Acting as a repository of fresh, interesting art content and an energetic ecosystem - it can be consumed for free. Customized or premium
content is paid for! We facilitate this monetization of the content. Dhonuk is currently in the process of actively generating collaborative content.


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