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A conversation

It is ok to be confused. It is ok to be sad. It is ok to want money and fame. It is ok to feel what you feel about things. There is no such thing as the ultimate truth, and if it does exist, but someone chooses to make it so difficult for ordinary human beings to see it, then so be it. Face reality, change the things you can change, and accept things you can't. No point in wondering, what if you had done something different in a situation in the past. Because if you had done something else, you wouldn't be you, you would be someone else. You are what you are, because you are you....

That is what a Karma Yogi would say, but you cannot keep your questioning mind in the refrigerator and just ignore it. True, lamenting about the past has no benefits, but we are only being spineless by adopting a life that is just too easy to live. Eat, sleep and be merry ! How disgusting. Of course each one has his own view.
We are indeed individuals and would not like any interference in our way of life. So let each adopt his way. Perfectly agree.

Experiences only get you closer to your goal.And in my opinion, the only way to learn is by experience.Our want for money/fame has made us realise that these are not the ultimate goals.So, go on and learn more through experiences.It does seem to be a confusing world at times, but thats a unique experience in itself.

The experience is important but can we do without it based on other's findings - would that be 'wise' ?

I cannot give you an assertive answer.I guess that is the reason why the world is very confusing to us.It behaves differently to different ppl.Only experiences can give you definitive answers.Though learning from others' experiences might work for some, it might not for others.
I feel experience is one thing that everyone would learn from.But the world is such a big "thing" to experience that one life is just not enough...So,just wondering if my approach is right?? Your say on this?

I agree it is very difficult to rely on someone else's views/experiences and only if we can experience things is it truly justifiable. Mere talk I know is useless and experience is everything, is what every major teacher has said. Sometimes it all requires tremendous courage to do certain things, but the excuses and getting too lazy to take up something, hinder us. Does not mean you experience each and everything, indiscriminately. I was reading an excellent analogy given by Shri Ramakrishna, he says that everyone want to have the nectar of bliss, what he refers to as Satchidananda, but no one wants to dive deep into it - just as a fly wants to have the sweet juice in the deep pitcher, but is afraid that if it enters the pitcher, what if it drowns ? So it sits on the edge of the pitcher and tries to get it all, actually gaining nothing. Also he gives another parable with respect to realisation of God - there are some who have heard of milk, there are some who have seen it, and there are some who have drunk it, so experience is probably the only way ...
And what you mentioned earllier, as only through experience we realise that money/fame is not the ultimate goal. This also is the approach followed by the concept of 'Neti Neti' 'Not this not this' is what the jnani says, but SR says that after realisation the true vijnani says 'Iti Iti' ie 'this and this' ie 'All of this'; wherein the individuals are mere parts of the whole, just as if you keep 'n' jars with water you would find 'n' reflections of the sun in each, even though there is only one sun.


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