The XWeb web server for Linux systems that had been found to have some serious vulnerability.
Updates has been uploaded to FRESHMEAT and my Geocities site ...
- Directory traversal bug
- cgi-bin access flaw
- URL identification errors; have been fixed.
Donato Ferrante ( had pointed out the directory traversal flaw.
The Merits of Open Source Development Framework come to the fore ...
This is when you understand how exciting and useful the open source community is - to actually try out and find errors themselves and inform the general public - thanks Donato Ferrante for making me feel an integral part of the open source community - the vulnerability has got published in many many places that you cannot even imagine - even in US-CERT Cyber Security Bulletin SB04-091 March 31, 2004
Its only because of this that I have u...
In my mind is a strange attractor!