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Showing posts from July, 2013

The Randomness of Life.

Does what happen in life depend a lot on chance or randomness? Many connections between incidents in our life will be random. Random or chance events can often decide or trigger what we come across and what we follow or choose to do or don’t do. Life is a combination of events some well planned some chance occurrences that can lead to a particular life-state based on the corresponding transition followed – ‘wave collapse’ as stated in quantum physics. Causality is connected to chance or the other way around? Does the causal link actually sever or is it a figment of our imagination given the probability associated with possible outcomes in every case? We try to associate meaning to an event or a non-event based on our state of mind trying to justify what happened! For example a book is often a cause for many important decisions in our lives; at least that has been the case or so I perceive, with me - so I’ll vouch for it. Sometimes we are forced into a situation as we are not actin...