Or perhaps redefining what a 'Good Boy' is. Is a good boy someone who is constrained by his mind to not attempt anything risky or anything not in the realm of the ‘positive’? Even avoid thoughts of the nature? Is it so because the person will get tagged negative? Do we or our social circles often enforce such a mentality? Who is a good boy? What is the definition of ‘good’ for a good boy then? Someone who experiments and then and only then figures out what is true or good and what is not. Or someone who follows pre-conceived notions, tradition and norms imposed upon us and is bounded by them - following a track laid down by others, playing by the rules and maximizing some notion of goodness and other measures of profit, wealth or fame and stature again defined by someone else. The later may not necessarily be the case. This fear of being bad or never attempting anything new doesn’t that hold back from exploring or attempting anything that is a break away from society’s sha...