The Amida Simputer
The Amida Simputer - the portable handheld computer - designed and developed by PicoPeta and manfactured by BEL hit the market recently on 26th ...
A few of us were given a simputer each at our workplace (BEL) to evaluate for a week before the launch - its amazingly stable and feature-rich.
A host of innovative features from gesture recognition (motion sensors) to being a mobile device connecting to the net from landlines (though at home somehow I could not manage to connect some busy signal/sending password, but some of my colleagues managed to connect successfully) or CDMA phones, a handful of games, an MP3 player, an image viewer, browser, anywhere text scribbling/erase and many many more nifty utilities. The gesture recognition thingie is real stunning; flipping the device you can navigate or move through pictures, ebooks, notes... I actually managed to take notes at a meeting using the scribble feature using the accompanying stylus - it has ...
In my mind is a strange attractor!