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Showing posts from January, 2003
Oh My God - Smitten by KDE 3.1 Take a look at the new KDE 3.1 These screenshots show KDE 3.1 , the current release of the K Desktop Environment And then read the details at and HERE
WORMS & VIRUSES - Have they become a routine feature of the web ? Now that I am out of college, and into the industry I am understanding what havoc viruses and worms can cause . . . FRESH PERSPECTIVES I got elkern, kriz and funlove infected at workplace - a series of deadly viruses but Norton AV exists and my system is still working - up and running though I get lotz a BSODs - Win NT 4.0 ( Sheesh ! Old naa ? But its what I have got, as I await new Compaqs (with XP as default - though project requirements specify win2k) coming in the first week of Feb). CNET News: Computer worm slows global Net traffic NOW I KNOW WHY I WAS NOT ABLE TO LOG INTO MY DIAL-UP ACCOUNT THE WHOLE OF THE EVENING ON REPEATED TRIES . . . MS SQL Server Worm Wreaking Havoc On Saturday January 25 -> "Since about midnight EST almost every host on the internet has been receiving a 376 byte UDP payload on port ms-sql-m (1434) from a random infected server. Reports of some hosts receiving 10 pe...
I was there for the informal meeting of the UVCE Foundation A very good initiative - By Anand Adkoli and others . . . for the alma mater !
A WHOLE LOT OF CONTENT - Check out and read them all HERE CREATIVE COMMONS Do check Creative Commons' collaborators for all the stuff :: KEEP YOURSELF BUSY, READING . . .
Crichton's Prey was great - though I felt somewhat let down after finishing the book. The concepts, a cutting-edge-hi-tech amalgam of distributed computing, nanotech and genetic engineering (emergent self optimizing behaviour + triumphs of molecular manufacturing i.e. using e-coli bacteria to create nanoassemblers which inturn assemble molecular machines like cameras etc, which have memory, solar cell particles to sustain themselves and organize using goal-seeking PREDPREY distributed algorithms to mimick vivid shapes and forms, which as usual go out of control or do they. . . never mind; and have to be exterminated, else will take over the human race) are great, but the ending is not very inspiring and actually a bit disappointing. Killing the villain bacteria instantly with bacteriophages/viruses ? The content handling at times is dry and clumsy. Of course the story is fast paced and chilling too at times - he has focussed a lot on character development, which he was criticis...
And now Rediff Blogs - a ditto copy of BLOGGER . . . NEAT COPYING ! Have you guys copied word to word or is it on a contract basis, looks like one though - Rediff developers must have gone through the Blogger site code. NOT BAD THOUGH - TAKE A LOOK AT
Slashdot Articles . . . Brain Surgery Robot Running Linux Hacker's Delight GEEK CODE ? CDMA & QUALCOMM QUALCOMM is best known as the company that pioneered Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology, which is now used in wireless networks and handsets all over the world. By making very efficient use of radio frequency spectrum, CDMA allows more people to share the airwaves at the same time - without cross-talk, static or interference. LEARN ABOUT CDMA AT QUALLCOMM - Start here . . . ALSO HERE - CDMA Development Group
VERY INTERESTING READ [from] : Reliance Infocomm's launch of the largest CDMA network Also read this particular entry . . . A VERY GOOD SITE :
Apple out with its browser Safari and 17 inch Laptop ( 1 inch wide amazing and gorgeous hallmarks of Apple ) . . . Microsoft with SPOT watches and more devices - go find out ! ! !
I am back and blogging - a tight field trip, first official one and first to Maharashtra too, just ended. Travel sure does something on uplifting confidence levels :: The visit to Nashik, Shirdi, Deolali and Mumbai was great ! Reading Prey by Michael Crichton - Its a bit dry in the beginning . . . first comments after 80 pages that is !